Ninety-two percent of leaders recognize that innovation is an essential growth strategy. One hundred percent of leaders who have used our innovation service are now sure of it. This service allows us to develop new, marketable inventions, products and services. In under 30 days. And we mean actually new. We aren’t interested in creating the flavour of the month: We create the flavour of the year. For all years. We create new revenue streams for companies and tangible added value for users in such diverse industries as food, real estate, healthcare, retail, pharmaceuticals, human resources, etc.
Homogeneity is the death of progress. Innovation comes to life with open collaboration and a clash of talents.
Vanessa Dicaire
Lead, Innovation
While innovation usually equals expensive, complicated and time-consuming, we’ve developed a streamlined process that allows us to guarantee marketable unheard of ideas and concept prototypes in under 30 days at a highly competitive rate. And it’s all done with minimal stress and no extra work for you. Whether it’s during an incubator, workshop or a consultation, our approach is anchored in a deep analysis and understanding of human behaviour. Before adding “NEW!” to a product or service, we believe that it absolutely must answer a real business problem, need or desire for a critical mass of users.
Clients and hand-picked LG2 talent come together during the workshops to uncover behaviours that tend to be either ignored or otherwise invisible. We talk about users from so many different angles that their ears must be burning. Techniques inspired by the cognitive and social sciences are used to explore the user’s under-lying biases and motivations: reframing techniques, deconstruction, desinterpretation and many others that allow us to identify rich areas of opportunity for innovation.
The favourite process for many of our clients, the incubator owes its success to a quick and efficient four-ingredient formula:
Creating a deep empathy for the target. This follows an analysis of their biases, beliefs, pain points, behaviours and consumption habits.
Preparing a rigorous brief. This takes the form of a precise specifications book containing only the data that can drive the incubated experts. It’s handed to the team only 24 hours before the beginning of the incubator, so their instincts can take over.
Selecting the best possible external and internal experts. For example, for a mandate to reinvent the way dairy is consumed, we might turn to a food chemist-engineer, Olympic athlete, nutritionist and an industrial designer.
For a minimum of three days, LG2 talent and external experts combine their knowledge and creativity to develop and even prototype several concepts, products, services, experiences and business models that create new value. We’re looking for the unprecedented, in an achievable way.
There are three forms of innovation consultation: